We are so proud of Miss Ohio Jr. Pre-Teen Cover Girl!

Here is her farewell letter with some pictures attached for you to use for the NAM blog:

I am so happy to represent NAM as the Ohio Princess Cover Girl as well as a National Cover Girl. This past year has been so much fun, meeting all the wonderful contestants in Ohio and at the National pageant. I have made so many friends because of National American Miss. One in particular is my best friend, Alyssa. She is the current Miss Massachusetts Princess. Alyssa and I have gone to Nationals together for 2 years now. I was visiting royalty in Massachusetts when she was crowned. It was amazing to be there and watch her achieve her dream.

Also because of NAM, I found that I can sing. I would have never thought to try to sing as a talent without being a part of NAM. I love taking voice lessons and singing on stage in front of lots of people. One day I will make singing a career!

Thanks to National American Miss I am following my dreams! I wish the same for all of this year's new contestants! Good Luck and always follow your dreams!

Ashley Black
2014-2015 Ohio Princess Cover Girl
2014-2015 National Princess Cover Girl


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