Featuring Miss New Jersey Jr. Teen!

One of my biggest achievements became a reality one year ago when I was crowned your 2017 New Jersey Jr. Teen. I realized soon after the initial wave of shock and joy that I had a job to do and some big shoes to fill. I was able to volunteer with the Angels Community Outreach, my local public library, and I even had the honor of returning to my old preschool and reading to the little kids. I was also able to make various appearances as I prepared for nationals. At nationals, I truly experienced my definition of NAMily for the very first time. Being able to compete on the beautiful national stage with girls I considered family was an experience I will never forget. However, the highlight of my reign didn’t come until after nationals. Having a newly crowned national queen living 20 minutes away from your house is kind’ve a big deal. Long story short, volunteering with you has been truly amazing Raven, and I will forever cherish the time that we spent together. Together, Raven and I were able to volunteer with Loaves and Fishes, the Miss Next Level Youth pageant, Choices of the Heart, and many more! 

I can honestly say my reign was a truly an forgettable experience and I wouldn’t change a single thing. Don’t take anything for granted because we all have so much to give. Live with gratitude and live boldly! 

Your 2017 New Jersey Jr. Teen
Lauren Kim


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