Featuring Muss Texas Jr. Pre-Teen Cover Girl!

"My name is Lily Howard and I am the 2016 Miss Texas Junior Pre Teen Cover Girl for National American Miss.  In my time serving NAM I have given 5 speeches about how being a special needs sibling impacted my life, met some amazing families who’s special children are changing the world, and visited the scientific laboratory conducting research on CDKL5 Epilepsy Disorder using donated organs from my sister, Harper.  

I would say the most important service in my life started way before I came into NAM and will continue long after, and that is the creation of Love4Lily’s Love Day. In the past 3 years we have grown from 10 people to 50 people and I hope someday it will be as big as Run4Hope. Love Day is simply about LOVE, FUN, and FRIENDSHIP!  It is not about raising money, a disorder, any one person, or cause.  It is people coming together to Show LOVE, Share LOVE, and Be LOVED! 

The most powerful word in the world is LOVE because it holds everything together.” ~Lily Howard  

In using this on social media you can tag Love Day at (https://www.facebook.com/LoveDay4U/
You can also link to Love4Lily.com 

Thank you! 


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