It's been an Amazing Year for Miss Oklahoma Teen!

I dreamed it and so I did it.

God placed a promise in my heart and seven years later, it finally happened.
A long anticipated journey landed me in California at the national pageant where I was honored to make top 10 in the nation!
My work did not stop there as I volunteered at elementary schools weekly leaving me 50 service hours throughout my reign. My year also consisted of volunteering with the Miss Amazing pageant, parades, and reaching nearly 500 kids speaking at school assemblies.
It truly takes a village that devoted their time to see me succeed.
To my sister queens who have become my real sisters: Each of you hold such a special place in my heart and I have no doubt God led us to be together this year.
To my mom and Mitzi, you two are the backbone to my success and dealt with the high roads, the low roads, and all the adventures in between. What a ride it has been.
Lastly, thank you NAM for providing a dream and passion to a once 12-year-old who needed a light to shine. I never knew I could fall in love with something so much. One girl’s life will change forever but for those who don’t walk away with the shiny hat, I was in your spot many more times than I was ever a queen. Hold your head high and let your invisible crown shine.
For the last time, I am you National American Miss Oklahoma Teen 2016, Lexi Spoon


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