Featuring Miss Texas Jr. Teen!

Emma Wheeler--NAM 2013-14 Miss Texas Jr. Teen Queen

Wow, what a great year it has been!  I am so excited for the upcoming pageant and the opportunity to meet all of you! Thinking back to the State pageant last year, there are so many fun and amazing things I remember and I am excited to get to experience them again with all of you!  This year has gone by incredibly fast, but I am so blessed to have experienced so many opportunities during my reign. 
I had a blast doing parades, holding fundraisers, and traveling all over the country all thanks to opportunities offered to me by National American Miss.  Sometimes I felt like I needed to pinch myself because it felt like a dream.  I can guarantee all of you lovely ladies will love this organization and I wish you the best of luck at your competition.  Always remember one thing...it is not about winning.  NAM provides each girl equal opportunities to improve their interviewing and public speaking skills, and to work on their poise and confidence.  Walking into my state pageant, my goal was to become a more well-rounded, confident and well-spoken individual and I can confidently say that I accomplished that goal.  Take advantage of the opportunities provided to you at the pageant and you will leave as a winner, regardless of a crown. I can't wait to see you in July!!
"For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline."

2 Timothy 1:7

Fun at The NAM National Pageant!

Out and about in the community!

The Crowning Moment! 

Making a Difference! 


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