Featuring Miss California Princess!

Oh my goodness!!  I can’t believe that a whole year has passed.  Being crowned the 2012-2013  North California Princess Queen has made this past year a blast!  I will never forget the look on my family’s faces when my name was called and I was chosen among over 75 amazing girls.  I will keep this memory forever.  But now it is time to pass on my crown to my successor.  She too will have all of the fun, excitement, and begin to reach goals of her own.  I am a little sad that my time has come and gone but I will continue to do all of the many things that NAM has encouraged me to do.
This past year I have made many friends all over the country.  I have given back to my community by fundraising for a local animal shelter, donating books to an after school program for kids, and fundraising for needy children in my community.  This is something that I really had fun doing and I want to continue to give to other people that are in need. 
Spending time with my Sister Queens has been great.  We were all at Nationals together, cheering each-other on.  They were all so helpful and caring.  Although I didn’t place at Nationals, several of my Sister Queens did.  I was so excited for them because we are all in this together in the NAM family.  We also met later to ride in a parade together.  We had a day of being silly and just hanging out. 
Well, it’s about time for me to go but not without thanking everyone who has helped me to achieve my goals and dreams.  First I’d like to thank God who is at the top of my list.  I want to thank the amazing NAM directors Brian and Megan and their staff who were very friendly and helpful.  Without my family, I would not have made it this far.  And I have to thank my friends, sponsors, and Sister Queens for all of the support.
Good luck to all of you girls in this competition.  Just remember that YOU were chosen to be here out of hundreds of others.  You are special and this is the first step in making all of your dreams come true.

Kendahl Quarles

2013-2014 Northern California Princess 


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