Meet Miss California Princess!

Royalty Letter from Aubrie Jean Lightfeldt, CA Princess

I was so excited when Miss Megan called my name as the 2013 Miss California Princess Queen. As my first job as Queen, I started Change for Chickens, where I collected money for families in Africa to buy chickens. With my church, I donated books and school supplies to Amelia's Light. Then my sister queens and I participated in coastal cleanup day to make our beaches beautiful. I also was a buddy at The Miss Amazing Pageant. Nationals was the best week of my life! I made lots of new friends and I got to play at Disneyland.
I want to thank Brian and Megan for being the best state directors. To my sister queens, thank you for always being there for me. Marissa, I'm going to miss you when I give up my crown. Danielle, I am your sweater always and forever. Cousin, I hope your crown is next. Nanni, thank you for making all my dresses perfect. Mommy, you’re the best mom ever. Auntie Weesa, I couldn't be queen without you. And most of all, thank you God for everything!

To my successor, you’re about to have the best year of your life. Remember to relax, breathe, and smile. A world of opportunities is about to open up for you.

Always and forever, I am your 2013 Miss California Princess Aubrie Jean Lightfeldt.


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