Featuring Miss Ohio Jr.Teen and Our National American Miss Jr.Teen Regan Spoltman

Dear Contestants,
                  National American Miss is an organization that strives to build confidence in young ladies.  NAM has a mission to encourage us to be leaders now and in the future and to equip us with valuable life skills.  I have been involved with NAM since the age of 4 and it has definitely impacted my life. 
                  This has been a year of amazing memories and accomplishments.  After being crowned your Ohio Jr. Teen, I began my reign by participating in the Ohio State Fair and volunteering with my sister queens at the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation walk.  I also began my preparation for the National Pageant in California.  I was blessed that week to bring home the National title of Most Promising Model and Photogenic.  I was even more honored and excited when I was chosen to represent the nation as the new National American Miss Jr. Teen!!  I have traveled across the US, spent a week in Nicaragua on a mission trip, had a blast at the national photo shoot, and meet so many new and wonderful people along the way.
                  This weekend is about creating memories that will last a lifetime.  You should be very proud of yourself.  God has a special plan for each of us.  I am so excited to see what His plans hold for my future. Have fun and best of luck to each and every one of you!
God Bless,
Regan Spoltman
NAM Ohio Jr. Teen

NAM Jr. Teen


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