Featuring Miss Ohio Jr. Teen!

My journey began on July 1, 2013, after 7 years of hard work and dedication finally my name was called, and I couldn’t have been excited! My journey didn’t stop there though, during my year in reign I got many opportunities to do many different things. Some events I got to attend included the Ohio State fair with my sister queens, the pumpkin festival also with my sister queens, and I was also invited to deliver the game ball at a Cincinnati Reds game! I was able to help with my platform for the American Heart Association by my own organization I created called “Crowning Hearts”. I set up a fundraiser at my grandmother’s cupcakery where all the profits went straight towards “Crowning Hearts”, raised lots of money for this cause, and also participated in the Heart walk! No journey as a National American Miss Queen would be complete without a trip to California where I met tons of new friends, and had a blast with my family! It was the best 9 days ever! Of course though, this journey as Miss Ohio Jr. Teen would not have been complete without all the amazing people behind me! Thank you all! To all of the contestants, you’re all special in many different ways and never forget to always be yourself! Good luck to everyone! I can’t wait to see you all shine! For the last time I am your Miss Ohio Jr. Teen 2013, Mikayla Colwell.


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