Featuring Miss Texas Pre-Teen Jianna Garcia

6 years ago I set foot on a National American Miss Stage for the very first time. Just moments before, I cried that I wanted to go home and my Mom told me “Let’s finish what we started and if you don’t ever want to do another pageant again we won’t”.  Well, needless to say I dried my tears, put a smile on my face and have now spent half my life as a NAM Girl and wouldn’t have it any other way.
Winning the title of Miss Texas Pre-Teen for Division 1 was a dream I did not expect to come true. I am honored to have had the opportunity to represent the great state of Texas.  My parents and family have been a constant source of support and I know none of this would have been possible without them. I am so very grateful to them for all the hours of travel, prep, worry and cheering at the top of their lungs at every event….We tend to be a loud bunch!
It’s important to me to be a Queen with a purpose and my partnership with the Denton Hunger Coalition this past year has made me stronger in my conviction to end Childhood hunger and long after the crown comes off I will continue to work with Miss. Marty and all the incredible volunteers to make sure that one day our mission becomes reality.
I wish love, luck and happiness to all the girls competing this year. I have made friends all across the state and country over the years and participating in National American Miss has changed my life in so many ways and all for the better! Breathe and enjoy the weekend, I look forward to meeting you and sharing the stage with such an incredible group of girls.
“NAM is what I am”
Farewell for now, but never forever.
Your 2015 Miss Texas Pre-Teen

Jianna Garcia


  1. Hello, I just wanted to say that I had just participated in a pageant on July 30 and July 31 2016 and it was so AMAZING! I met Jianna and she is so friendly. I made Top 20 in Pre-Teen Division 1 and look foward to doing it next year, hopefully I make a runner up or I win it! I love this pageant!


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