Featuring Miss Ohio Pre-Teen Cover Girl and National Cover Girl Lily Middendorf!

For the last time, I am your National American Miss Ohio pre-teen Cover Girl 2015 Lily Middendorf.
I can not believe that it has been a year sense being crowned Ohio's cover girl in Columbus, Ohio.
This past year has been filled with so many wonderful experiences,Inspiring people and quality Namily time with my sister queens. After I was crowned. i got to go to the Florida NAM pageant as visiting royalty and made a lot of friends who I later got to see and spend time with at Nationals in California. There I was crowned Your 2015-16 National Pre-teen Cover Girl. I had the time of my life. Hollywood, Disneyland and more Namily! National American Miss has opened doors for me and helped make me a better person. I have tried to make a difference and a lasting impression on others through community service working over 300 hours with Matthew 25 Ministries disaster relief. Working at Ronald McDonald House, and others.I have worked with my sister queens across the country on projects to help others got to be i Cincinnati Reds opening day parade and others, received proclamations from the city of Cincinnati, St.Bernard and the United States Senate. But I am Most proud of my Namily!

To my successor: This year will change your life!There will be many opportunities come your way and you should make the most of them.Enjoy every second because this year will go fast make the most of it, have lots of fun and make as many friends as you can. Be the best you, you can be!
Welcome to the Namily!

To my family: Thank you for all your hard work and support, without you I would not be the girl you see here today. Your encouragement and love are priceless. Thank you all so much. With all my love and affection. Lily Middendorf.


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