Featuring Miss Kansas Jr. Teen!

To the Contestants,
                  I truly remember every moment of my crowning. “Your 2013 National American Miss Kansas Jr Teen is…….Azia Lynch!”  I was happy and sad all at once…it was priceless!  I am a girl that truly grew in this awesome program from the quiet little princess to your friendly sassy big sister.  Oh the growth!!!!   Ladies, I always took home something from each pageant but it was 8 years before I heard my name as the queen and honestly it was when I least expected it. 
                  Throughout my reign I have experienced many rewarding memories from parades, going to state pageants, speaking at schools, and letting my youth basketball team wear my crown.  Moments I will cherish forever!  One my highlights was meeting girls from across the United States in California for the national pageant who had the same vision I had in ending bullying in schools.   
Take this from my experience, if you are constantly improving your interview skills, your public speaking, your overall confidence you are a queen!  Please remember the crown is great but the friendships you make and the experience you have will last forever!  I like to share to always strive for your best without comparing yourself to others.  Volunteer at places because it is something you love.  Help others because it makes you a better person.  Dress and act like the job you want not the job you have.  Always remember to smile most importantly have a GREAT TIME!
I have to thank all of NAMISS and of course my state directors for making this the best year of my life and one I will never ever forget!
Best of Luck and with ALL of my Love!
Azia Lynch
Miss Kansas Jr Teen 2013

National Actress Winner


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