We are so proud of Miss Minnesota Jr. Teen!

Hi Girls!
I hope that your National American Miss experience is as magical for you as it has been for me.
There are some things that I wish to tell you to help relieve your nerves about this upcoming
weekend. The first thing I want to say is have a blast! You are going to meet a some amazing
girls that will become lifelong friends. I want all of you to cheer each other on and support one
another every minute. I will be there supporting you through each stage of the weekend. The
judges will want to get to know you and see you shine on stage - ENJOY every minute of this
NAM has been an amazing organization that has helped me grow in so many ways. Leadership,
public speaking and feeling great about myself, in my own skin. I have learned to be
Confidently Me!
I am so excited for all of you and can’t wait to get to know every single one of you. Bring your
smiles and be YOURSELF - let’s have a great pageant together - SEE YOU SOON!
From yours truly,
Lauren Disher
Minnesota Jr Teen


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