A Great Year Ends for The 2013 Miss Oklahoma Princess!

This past year as the 2013 Oklahoma Princess Queen has been a dream come true. I've spent my year as queen volunteering throughout my community, visiting nursing homes, cleaning up parks, attending the Great Strides Cystic Fibrosis walk, helping Light it Up Blue for Autism Awareness and even raising and rehoming a litter of kittens. 
Spending time with my amazing sister queens riding in the OU Homecoming parade and the Tulsa Parade of Lights and having a photo shoot was so much fun. Going to Nationals in California was my favorite part of the year. As my year as queen comes to a close, I wish all of this year's contestants the best of luck. Enjoy the weekend, make friends and memories and always remember, "if you believe it, you can achieve it!"

Natalie Ober
Miss Oklahoma Princess Queen 2013

Walking the NAM National Stage!

Volunteering in my community! 
Sister Queens!


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