A Year in the Life of Miss Pennsylvania Teen 2012!

Dear Miss Pennsylvania TeenSM Contestants,
I hope you are as excited for this year’s state pageant as I am! This year has been one of the most incredible years of my life thanks to National American Miss. My experience with NAM started 4 years ago as a Junior Teen. After returning to my state pageant year after year, and practicing to improve, my prayers were finally answered as I was crowned your 2012 Miss Pennsylvania TeenSM
I had so many great opportunities this year. After years of competing at Nationals, I was finally able to represent the great state of Pennsylvania as a Teen Queen. I was fortunate to have placed in the top 10 in the country and win 4 national titles including Actress, Talent, Spokesmodel, and Top Model.
I am so grateful to NAM for encouraging me to dream big and develop my confidence. I have grown tremendously, had the greatest experiences, and made the best of friends, all because of this organization. As you prepare for this year’s state pageant, I ask that you focus on being the best YOU that you can be. You all are already winners because you are state finalists in the best pageant system for young girls in the country! Please know that you are in my prayers and that you are in for an exciting, unforgettable time! I am looking forward to seeing you at this year’s state pageant.
God Bless,
Melessie Clark
2012 Miss Pennsylvania TeenSM
Making a Public Appearance!

Titleholder's and Friends!

Public Speaking!

Making a Difference!


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