Featuring Miss Florida Jr. Pre -Teen Carla Lombardo!

Dear NAMily,
I have enjoyed every moment this year as your reigning Miss South Florida Jr. Pre-teen 2015. The opportunities I have had were absolutely priceless! My crown and sash visited 3 states and 3 cities.
I got an amazing opportunity to meet Miss America, Miss America’s Outstanding Teen and 2016 Miss America contestants.
My family helped and supported me with my community service project. I collected more than 1,000 books and with the help of my brother, built a library at the Tiny Kingdom, a center that helps children of migrant farm workers. I am so glad that I reached my end result of teaching these kids about literacy.
I also met Miss Homestead America and participated in fundraisers for her pageant. I represented NAM with honor by raising $450 for Relay for Life, participating in the Veteran’s Day parade and Rodeo Parade in Homestead, volunteering at the Ronald McDonald’s house and preparing care packages for the soup kitchen.
Finally, it was time for nationals, where I placed 2nd runner up. Disneyland was a great experience!
I want to thank my friends, family and NAM staff for supporting me throughout the year. To all the new delegates, good luck. To the new Central Florida Queen, I hope you have a great time. In the words of Audrey Hepburn, “Nothing is impossible. The word itself says I’m possible.” Once again, I am and always will be your NAM Miss South Florida Jr. Pre-teen 2015.

Carla Lombardo 


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