Featuring Miss California Teen!

Wow! This year has been a whirlwind. I can’t believe that my reign as National American Miss California Teen 2013 is coming to an end. My year has been full of countless experiences, opportunities, and events that I will never forget.  Words will never do justice to how blessed I feel to have held this title. To the girls competing this weekend- congratulations on making one of the greatest decisions of your life! Coming to NAM in 2012 I had no idea how much this organization could do for me in just a few days. You will never forget how amazing this weekend has been and I wish you all the best!
Make time this weekend to thank your family for being here. I know that I would never have won the crown if it wasn’t for my mom, dad, brothers, and grandparents supporting me all weekend. We are a product of the people who love us, so be sure to take some time and recognize how many people love and support you for being you!
To my successor, get ready for the ride of your life! Make every jewel in your crown represent a life you have touched, an organization you have worked with, or a memory you have made. It is up to you to take this title and run with it!
Thank you to everyone who went on this journey with me! I love you all so much!
Jane Kennedy


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