It's been a Dream Come True for Kimberly Jester, The 2010 National American Miss Texas Jr Teen !

The 2010-2011 National American Miss Texas Jr. Teen and National American Miss Jr. Teen Kimberly Jester!

I can't believe it's been one whole year since they called MY name as your 2010 Miss Texas Junior Teen.  And what an exciting year it has been!  With my family and friends by my side, and the Lord as my guide, I've been able to accomplish so much!  Whether it's been helping to raise money and awareness for Living Water, International; collecting and donating coats and blankets for the Salvation Army; or helping to feed to Houston's homeless, I'm the one that has grown and been blessed by this wonderful experience.

In November, I travelled to Nationals where I had a magical week.  Spending time with my dearest friends (they know who they are!) was something I'll cherish forever.  Just when I thought my week couldn't get any better, it did:  They announced MY name as the new "national" Junior Teen queen for 2011!   Now six months later, I still sometimes think I'm dreaming, and can't believe I won!    But the many wonderful things I've experienced since that night, and relationships I've made, remind me that God had a hand in it all, and I'm ever so grateful for this opportunity to serve and lead with National American Miss.

To the Mayes and ALL the NAM staff, thank you for being visionaries and for offering girls like me something altogether different in pageantry.  To the contestants, remember:  God made you to fulfill a very specific purpose in life, and so while there can only be one queen chosen here this weekend, don't be discouraged if it's not you, because He has a wondrous plan for your life, too!!  It's far more important to have fun, make new friends, and learn important life-long skills that will benefit you forever.

Proverbs 31:30

Kimberly Jester
Kimberly having a blast in the NAM opening dance number!

Kimberly's winning moment !

Great Friends!


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