Featuring Miss Texas Teen Cover Girl!

Serving as your 2015 NAM Texas Teen Cover Girl has been an
AbSoLuTeLy  AmAziNg experience!

Throughout the summer I had the opportunity to work with so many fantastic NAM finalists, Directors & Sister Queens from all across the country. Regardless of which state pageant I happened to visit, I was always surrounded by genuine NAM spirit, pride and friendliness.

My travel- filled summer came to an end once my senior year in high school began. This provided a wonderful opportunity to get involved in local community events. I had the privilege of leading a group of 14-18 yr. old girls participating in the Knot-it- Forward project. Together, we made dozens of hand-tied fleece blankets for terminally ill patients cared for by Optum Hospice in San Antonio. These super soft blankets brought much happiness and comfort to the patients and will be forever cherished as keepsakes by their family members. I thoroughly enjoyed working with the members of Optum Hospice and was able to provide over 150 goody bags, filled with special treats for the patients and their caregivers, as part of the Optum Hospice Treats & Thanks project.

As the 2015 NAM Texas Teen Cover Girl, I received my very first "Golden Ticket" to the NAM National Pageant in sunny California! This was, by far, the most magical opportunity of them all!! It was wonderful to reunite with many of the fantastic NAM girls, Directors and Sister Queens that I had worked with throughout the summer and to have the opportunity to get to know so many more outstanding members of the      NAM-ily, as well!!
The week was filled with exciting activities, ceremonies, events and photo shoots! Participating in the National pageant provided me with the ultimate opportunity to represent NAM and the very special honor of being crowned the 2015-16 NAM Teen National Cover Miss!!
Just five years ago, I was a shy and anxious Pre-Teen state finalist attending my very first NAM pageant. Thanks to NAM, and everyone who has believed in me, I now have the power of self-confidence and it shows! Each and every NAM girl is filled with unlimited potential that is ready to be unleashed so

Dream Big...  It's YOUR time to SHINE!!

Confidence and Smiles!
Parker Lubianski
2015 NAM Texas Teen Cover Girl

2015-16 NAM Teen National Cover Miss


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