Farewell for Miss New Jersey Pre-Teen Cover Girl!

 I was extremely excited to become the 2014 Pre-teen Cover girl for National American Miss, and honored to represent this wonderful pageant system for the year. I enjoyed meeting and working with my sister queens, particularly Katie Sour, who has been my role model and friend for a few years. I also enjoyed getting to know the Sweetheart Cover girl Michaela. Although I was not able to go to the Nationals because my grandma got married during that time last Thanksgiving, I enjoyed promoting National American Miss while advancing my non-profit platform www.ChoosePositivePath.com and during my extensive travels with my family this past year. I proudly wore my crown and banner during the Walk the Positive Path event that I organized for the youth in my community and all the other charity events I attended. My crown and banner traveled with me everywhere from London and Berlin to Tallinn and Moscow. Being the NAM Covergirl helped me to start conversations with pre-teens everywhere about the daily choices they make and to hopefully inspire them to be friendly and helpful to others, to work hard to pursue their dreams and to stay away from the negative influences. Although I am a bit sad to pass on my Covergirl title to my successor, I am grateful for the privilege to have enjoyed it and excited about continuing my involvement with the National American Miss system.


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