Words from a NAM Mom!

We enjoy hearing from our NAMILY! National American Miss strives to promote Real-Life challenges during our competitions to help prepare our state finalists for a successful future. Please let us know what path your life has taken so that we can share it with our future leader's.
Here is an update we received about Nicole Hahn from Colorado, we are VERY proud of Nicole!

Hello! Thank you again for our daughter's positive NAM Experience!!! Such a great confidence booster and teaches poise needed in the real world!
It's been about two years since our daughter, Nicole Hahn, participated in your NAM Program. Just wanted to reiterate to you and all involved what a positive experience this was. From Learning poise and critical interview skills to fun on the runway, Nicole learned so much in your work shops and the days leading up to the actual National American Miss Program. It was wonderful that the emphasis was placed on the whole person - academics, community service, talent and yes, presenting oneself in a positive manner on stage!
As Nicole stated in her "Personal Introduction" her goal was to pursue an appointment to the United States Air Force Academy and that she did! After NAM, she received her Nomination from our Local Congressional Representative. This required several interviews, essays and resumes (all of which were required for NAM - great experience). We know that a good deal of what she learned through your program supported her efforts to reach her goal. She is now a Cadet 4th Class (Freshman) at USAFA and doing extremely well!
Thank you again! Please keep up the good work you do in supporting our girls and young women to have the confidence to move forward and achieve their dreams!
Here are two news articles about Nicole Hahn:
Nicole is a Cadet 4th Class (freshmen) at USAFA

Nicole at the Colorado NAM Pageant! 


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