A Word to The 2013 NAM Contestants

Dear contestants,
     When I was crowned 2012-2013 National American Miss Texas Jr.
Teen I didn’t realize how much it was going to change my life. My
reign has been one of the most pleasurable years yet. Not only did I
build my confidence, I also made friends that will last a lifetime! I
took part in my first NAM pageant at the age of 11, I have been
involved with National American Miss ever since! This being said, I
have been in your shoes many times before, all of your emotions
combined into excitement and anticipation! This weekend never fails to
boost everyone’s confidence. I can’t believe that my reign is coming
to an end and I will be crowning a very lucky young lady at the end of
this weekend! But no matter what your personal experience is, you
should be very proud of yourself for having the courage to accomplish
all of the once in a lifetime experiences of the National American
Miss pageant system. So put on that winning smile and begin your NAM
The best of luck, Jordan Zerr!


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