Meet the 2012-2013 National American Miss Jr PreTeen Selia Rendon

My name is Selia Rendon and I am a 9 year old Honor roll student from Westland, Mi. I am the eldest of 4 children and love being a big sister. In my spare time I love to dance! I take classes in jazz, tap, ballet and hip-hop.  I started at 3 years old and I am on competition team .I have won many awards and I am currently taking salsa and samba lessons. I would love to be on "Dancing with the Stars" one day. I have my own foundation called "Selia’s Warmth" which helps keep the homeless of Detroit warm. We collect blankets, coats, gloves, scarves and hats. I love to help out with many organizations such as The Ronald McDonald House of Detroit and The Salvation Army. If I am not on the Disney channel by the time I turn 18 then I plan on attending Stanford University to become a lawyer.
Tiffany: How did you get involved in National American Miss?
Selia: I became involved in NAM when my mom received a letter in the mail that someone had nominated me for a state finalist. I first competed in NAM When I was 6 in the princess division.

Tiffany :How did you prepare for the National Pageant?
Selia:I prepared for the national pageant by rehearsing my formal wear in my living room, in my dress, at least once a week. I would also practice my personal introduction every day and to anyone who would listen everywhere I went! For interview my mom and family members would randomly ask me questions and I would answer.

Tiffany: What is the best advice you have ever received?
Selia: The best advice I have ever received is to follow my heart and dream big! Not to let anyone or anything keep from doing what makes you happy. Anything is possible with God!
Tiffany:What quote, motto, or scripture best describes you?
Selia: In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different.-CoCo Channe

Tiffany: What are your plans for the future?
Selia: I have many plans for the future! I would love to become a Miss Latina US title holder, attend Stanford University. And become the first attorney in my family! I also have big dreams of becoming a great triple threat and performing on the Disney channel!
Tiffany:   What activities are you involved in?
Selia: Some activities that I am involved in are girl scouts, modeling and dance! I love to dance! I placed 3rd in talent this year at nationals for my tap number!  It was such an amazing accomplishment!
Tiffany: What do you like to do for fun?
Selia: For fun I love to ride my bike, swim, play hide and seek with my brothers and sisters! We also love to dance and sing together and put on family performances like the Jackson 5!
Tiffany: What is one thing you can't live with out?
Selia:The one item that I cannot live without is my I pad! I love my I pad especially because I paid for it with my own money and worked very hard to get it! I do everything on it from keeping in touch with family members on Skype to watching movies on Netflix!

Tiffany: Who is your rolemodel?
Selia: My role model is Selena Gomez! We have so much in common! She is Mexican American like me, her family is also from Texas and she is a star on the Disney Chanel. Her sense of fashion is Fabulous and not to mention she is Gorgeous!  I love that she is always positive, and she sets great examples by making great choices in life!
Tiffany: What is your favorite TV show?
Selia:My favorite tv show is kick’n it on Disney HD
Tiffany: What is the funniest thing that has ever happened to you?
Selia: The funniest thing that has ever happened to me is that one day I got up for school , I was in a hurry and dressed quickly not realizing that I had put my shirt on inside out. I went the whole day at school not realizing it. Until I came home and my mom said “Selia your shirt is on backward!” I started laughing hysterically.
Tiffany: If you had three wishes what would you wish for?
Selia:If I had three wishes I would wish for my own clothing boutique, to become a movie star and  for my own plane so I could fly anywhere in the world !

Tiffany:  If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?
Selia: If I could go anywhere in the world I would choose to go to Paris, France, I heard its beautiful there and their fashion is amazing.

Tiffany: What is your definition of a NAM girl?
Selia: My definition of a NAM girl is someone who is outgoing, kind, smart and Beautiful. Someone who is always willing to lend a helping hand.
Tiffany: If you could be on the cover of any magazine what would it be?
Selia:   If I could be on the cover of any magazine it would be the cover of LATINA! I would love to make my family proud and follow in the footstep of other great Latinas like Eva Longoria and Jenifer Lopez!
Tiffany: If you were stranded on a deserted island what three things could you not live without?
Selia: If I were stranded on a deserted Island 3 things that I could not live without would be: the  good food that my mom makes, my swimming suit and my only brother who would be able to get me off the island because he can build anything!


Tiffany: What is your most prized possession?
Selia:My most prized possession is a necklace that my aunt Ali gave me that is engraved to let me know she is always by my side and to wish me luck in all that I do!
Tiffany:How would your friends describe you?
Selia:My friends would describe as someone who is reliable, kind, and trust worthy. They would also tell you that I love to steal the stage!

Tiffany:How are you making a difference in your community?
Selia: I am making a difference in my community by collecting items with my foundation Selia’s Warmth to help keep the homeless warm. I recently had a warmth drive at my school and collected over 500 items!

Tiffany: If you could go back in time and meet one person, who would it be and why?
Selia: If I could go back in time and meet one person it would be my Great Grandmother Ofelia. I have heard many stories of her and my mom says that even though she is not here she has shaped us into the strong beautiful Latina women that we are today! She passed down her wisdom and family values to us making us the successful family we are.

Tiffany: If you could be famous for something, what would you want to be famous for?
Selia:If I could be famous for something it would be for becoming the first Mexican American Women President.
Tiffany: What is your favorite book?
Selia:  My favorite book is the runaway twin.
Tiffany: Where is your favorite place to shop?
Selia:My favorite place to shop is Justice! I love their clothes they have so much color and bling!
Tiffany: Who is the most influential person in the world?
Selia: The most influential person in the world right now for me is The president. He has showed us that anything is possible as long as you believe!

Tiffany: Who inspires you most?
Selia: My mom inspires me most because she is hard working, loving and fashionable! She always pushes me to do my best! She takes care of four kids, goes to school and still manages to take my siblings and me to all of our activities.  She always gets things done no matter what. I remember her being pregnant and in heels running back and forth to the dressing room to do my quick changes!! Without her I would not be where I am today!

Tiffany:What have you learned about yourself since competing in pageants
Selia: What I have learned since competing in pageants is that it’s not the beautiful dress or the nicest suit that makes you a winner but what is in them. The actual person! If you’re not beautiful on the inside then you won’t shine on the outside.

Tiffany: What advice do you have for future NAM girls?
Selia:The advice I would have for future NAM girls is to be you, smile, make lots of friends and have fun!
Tiffany: What things do you hope to accomplish during your year of service?

Selia: Some of the things that I hope to accomplish during my year of service are to travel as much as possible. I want to visit as many states as I can and get out there and make tons of new friends! I would also love to get the word out there about my foundation and collect more items for the homeless. I would love to do a sock drive! Not many people think to donate socks and they are a much needed necessity! And last but not least I would love to have a fund raiser or find sponsors to help a young lady compete in NAM who may not be able to afford it!

Tiffany: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Selia: Ten Years from now I want to be in college at Stanford University, dancing on their dance team and preparing to compete at Miss America! I also see myself traveling the world and learning new cultures and languages!
Tiffany:If someone could live your life for a week, what would they find most interesting?
Selia: If someone could live my life for a week they would be most surprised at how exhausting it is for a 9 year old! They would see that being a National queen is not as easy as it seems and that I work very hard to maintain my honor status, dance on my competition team, organize things for my foundation and help at home with my 3 younger brothers and sisters!
Tiffany : What is the best compliment you have ever received?
Selia:The best compliment I have ever received was from my preschool teacher who wrote a letter on my behalf stating that I was an ideal student and that she enjoyed watching me grow into a beautiful young woman and loved to have me come to her class to read. It made me feel good to know that many years later I am still able to make her proud!


  1. Wow, I wonder if I can do something that amazing. Lets go NAM, lets go!

  2. You r a very beautiful girl i hoe u secsed in life i hope i see uthis years pagent bc i got a letter also

  3. You sound like a very intelligent young lady. Not only are you beautiful on the outside but, you seem very beautiful on the inside as well! I wish you the best of luck with everything you dream to do for your future plans. This year is my 8 year old daughters first year at attending NAMISS. I only hope and wish that she enjoys and learns as much as you have. ;-)

  4. Hi Selia you are dedicated and I will take your advice to heart. This year I got the same letter in the mail and I auditioned and on my way to the state finalist. My mom tells me all the time with God everything is possible. Reading your post about the same quote just made me know that it's destined. You are pretty and wish you the best in what ever you do. Looking forward to meeting you at Nationals. Lemuel Carrol 9 yrs. old (Mae Mae)

  5. I love to dance as well

  6. i wish i was like you everbody says i am beautiful but i want to be in this!!!

  7. I feel like your twin we have maany things in common.

  8. we have many thinks in common. I feel like we are twin sisters

  9. we have so much in common and we are like twins

  10. May God continue to bless you and your family. You are such an inspiration and truly a blessing at the age of nine!!!!

  11. Wow your truly an amazing person!!!! ;)


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