Meet The 09-10 National American Miss Jr Teen Sarah Summers !

It's time to get the inside scoop on this charming corn husker, Sarah Summers is the beautiful 2009-2010 National American Miss Jr Teen!!! Let’s find out what this leader is all about as she will represent today's teens for the next year!!! Check out her exclusive interview where she gives tips on how she captured the national title and on what she is doing now!!!

Tiffany: What was your first reaction when you won your national title?
Sarah: I was in shock. My first thought was “What? I’m from Nebraska!?” I am continuously amazed and grateful.

Tiffany: How did you prepare for nationals?
Sarah: I rewrote my personal introduction, practiced it numerous times, got a gorgeous new gown, and packed of course!

Tiffany: How did you get involved in NAM?
Sarah: I was blessed to have NAM be my first pageant. I started at age ten when I got a postcard in the mail! NAM is different than any other pageant; I love every aspect of the pageant.

Tiffany: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Sarah: I hope to graduate from UNL to be a Pediatric Oncology Nurse. This is a very important goal to me because I am very close to the American Cancer Society and love children.

Tiffany: What to you like to do for fun?
Sarah: I love being with my friends and family. We often go to the mall or movies.

Tiffany: What activities are you involved in?
Sarah: As a freshman at my high school, I’m on the varsity dance team, show choir, and student council. I also volunteer with the American Cancer Society and many other organizations.

Tiffany: What is your best quality?
Sarah: The ability to communicate with many people. If you put me in a room full of people, I could hold a conversation with most of them.

Tiffany: How would your friends describe you?
Sarah: Outgoing, motivated, a shopaholic, and Happy. On the dance team we all have nicknames from the dwarfs in Snow White. They all call me Happy because no matter what the time of day or the situation, I am always smiling!

Tiffany: Where is your favorite place to shop?
Sarah: I love little boutiques they always have exciting and unique accessories that you never find anywhere else.

Tiffany: Finish this sentence: People would be surprised to know...
Sarah: People would be surprised to know that I have been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France.

Tiffany: What is your most embarrassing moment? (Preteen and up)
Sarah: I would say falling in front of a large group of people, which happens more often than not! I am graceful and poised when it comes to performing, but off the stage I am a bit of a klutz.

Tiffany: If you had 3 wishes what would you wish for?
Sarah: My first wish would be to find a cure for cancer because my family and I know many people who have been affected by this horrible disease. I would also wish for a puppy that would potty train its self and lastly, to go to Hawaii with my family.

Tiffany: If you could trade places with anyone for a day who would it be?
Sarah: A performer at Disney World. I love singing, dancing, and little kids. I think that would be an amazing day that I would never forget!

Tiffany: If I gave you 1 million dollars what is the first thing you would by?
Sarah: A trip to Hawaii with my family and friends!

Tiffany: What is your favorite quote?
Sarah: “Be the change you want to see in the world.” -Mahatma Gandhi

Tiffany: What is your all time favorite movie?
Sarah: A Walk to Remember is my favorite movie. It’s a love story and a chick flick that makes me cry every time!

Tiffany: What is your most prized possession?
Sarah: My first dance costume from when I was only three years old. I have been dancing ever since! I doubt I will ever be able to part with it.

Tiffany: What is your favorite book?
Sarah: The Giving Tree! I used to have this book read to me constantly as a little girl and just recently it came up in my life as a freshman in high school. It is a wonderful story.

Tiffany: Who is your role model?
Sarah: Through volunteering with The American Cancer Society I have come to know Amy Graber. She is the American Cancer Society Sarpy County Team Development Chairperson. She is very dedicated and I see her as an amazing role model.

Tiffany: If you could star on any TV show what would it be?
Sarah: Gossip Girl, I love that show and all the gorgeous fashions!

Tiffany: What do you hope to accomplish as National American Miss Jr. Teen?

Sarah: I am already very active in my community through volunteering. I hope to do even more with my title this following year. People seem to be more willing and give more when you have a title. I am grateful that I have this amazing opportunity to do more for others and give back.

Tiffany: What is the biggest misconception about your generation?
Sarah: Many adults would say that my generation is too much into technology, mainly our cell phones. I would say, “wrong!” Our phones and Facebook are how we keep in touch, especially when you know people all around the country.

Tiffany: If you had to pick between your cell phone, computer, or TV what would you pick?
Sarah: I would pick my cell phone, no hesitation! I have an iPhone - it does everything. It plays all my favorite music, I can text constantly, and I have internet on my phone so no need for the computer.

Tiffany: If you could witness any historical event which would you choose ? (PreTeen and up)
Sarah: The first time someone was diagnosed with cancer because I would have liked to talk to them to learn what they were feeling and what their case was.

Tiffany: What is your favorite subject in school?
Sarah: My favorite subjects are biology and chorus. I enjoy biology because I find it interesting and chorus because I can express myself with music.

Tiffany: If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life what would it be?
Sarah: Strawberries have always been my favorite food! You can have them in many different forms so I would never get bored!

Tiffany: What makes you unique?
Sarah: I am unique because unlike many teens I love volunteering and I keep active with it. I am often found getting others involved with volunteering by recruiting friends to be on my Relay for Life team, make blankets with me for the Linus Project, etc. Recently I have also learned to be myself and ignore what others say and think. The ones who support you, love you, and make you laugh, are the only ones that matter and will be with you until the end.

Tiffany: What advice do you have for any girls thinking about entering NAM?
Sarah: Go for it! It is an amazing experience that you will remember forever. Get to know the girls you meet there and you will make lifetime friendships.


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