Get to know The 2016-2017 National American Miss Princess Teri Lynlee Staggs!

NAM: Tell us about yourself:
Teri Lynlee: I am a six year old first grader at Mt. Pleasant Elementary. I love to sing, dance, play piano and act. Im the only girl of four children in my family.

NAM: What activities are you involved in?
Teri Lynlee: I play basketball, softball, and piano. I enjoy the arts and I am involved in helping The Family Center in Columbia, TN.  and I am currently teaming up with the National Brain Tumor Association to plan a fundraiser to aid in research.

NAM: What are your plans for the future?
Teri Lynlee: I want to be an All-star Basketball Player, and pursue my passion for singing and acting. After graduating college I want to be an art teacher or gym teacher.

NAM: How would your friends describe you?
Teri Lynlee: My friends would describe me as funny, sweet, and sassy…
And they would definitely say I tell the best knock knock jokes.

NAM: What motto or quote best describes you?
Teri Lynlee: Dream Big Princess because I never want
 To stop dreaming.

NAM: What is the best advice you have ever received?
Teri Lynlee: Treat others how you want to be treated. If we all lived by that the world would be an awesome place.

NAM: How did you prepare for the NAM National pageant?
Teri Lynlee: I prepared for the National pageant by learning my intro and practicing a lot.

NAM: Where is your favorite place to shop?
Teri Lynlee: The American Girl Doll store because I love all things American Girl.

NAM: How have pageants shaped your life?
Teri Lynlee: Through my participation in pageantry I have been blessed to meet and build relationships with so many people around the country.

NAM: What is your most prized possession?
Teri Lynlee: My NAM crown is my most prized possession because it's symbolic of how hard pays off!

NAM: What is your favorite movie?
Teri Lynlee: My favorite movie is The Secret Life of Pets because I love when the dog uses the mixer for a massage.

NAM: What is your favorite TV show?
Teri Lynlee: Austin and Ally of course because I love music just like them.

NAM: What is your book?
Teri Lynlee: The Very Hungry Caterpillar because We have similar eating habits!  

NAM: What advice do you have for future NAM girls?
Teri Lynlee: Just get out there and try NAM. It's so much fun and you can meet some lifelong friends. It doesn't matter if you win or lose it's the fun you have along the way!

NAM: If you could be famous for anything what would it be?
Teri Lynlee: Singing because that's my favorite thing to do.

NAM: What is your dream job?
Teri Lynlee: I would love to be an Art Teacher because I love all things Art!

NAM: How do you plan to use your title?
Teri Lynlee: I plan to use my title as a platform to raise awareness for Brain Tumors and help raise money to find research. Brain Tumor research is near and dear to my heart because my daddy had one when I was a baby and I see his daily struggles that were a result. I also plan to continue my work with The Family Center in Columbia, TN. National American Miss has already given me a stage to be a voice for those in need, and I am honored to have been given that opportunity.

NAM: How do you volunteer in your community?
Teri Lynlee: I have been hosting can food drives in my community. The last one I did was before Christmas called Cookies with Crowns. We had state royalty that came to help young girls decorate cookies during Christmas and the admission was a donation to The Family Center in Columbia,TN.

NAM: What is your most embarrassing moment?
Teri Lynlee: When I was at basketball tryouts I went to dribble the ball and it came back and hit me in the face and everyone laughed.

NAM: What is your favorite subject in school?
Teri Lynlee: Art and Music because I love music and I like e drawing.

NAM:  If you had three wishes what would you wish for?
Teri Lynlee: First I would wish for a cure for cancer because then I would have had more time with my pops. Then I would wish for all of the people in the world to find a way to get along and lastly I would wish for the entire collection of American Girl dolls!

NAM: What is your biggest fear?
Teri Lynlee: I'm deathly afraid of snakes.

NAM: What is the biggest misconception about your generation?
Teri Lynlee: I think everyone thinks my generation is selfish and self serving. All around me I see young people getting active in community service.

NAM: Who is your role model?
Teri Lynlee: Ally Dawson is my role model because she is an awesome singer/ songwriter and I love how she works to overcome her fears.

NAM: If you could go back in time to any historical event what would it be?
Teri Lynlee: If I could go back and be a part of any historical event it would be Elvis’ 68 comeback special. Elvis is the one and only king of rock and roll and I would have loved to see one of the most iconic concerts in history.

NAM: Who is to most influential person in the world?
Teri Lynlee: Jesus Is the most influential person in the world because he died for the entire world so that we might live.

NAM: If you could have dinner with anyone, who would it be?
Teri Lynlee: Luke Bryan because he is my favorite country music singer.

NAM: What is your favorite part about National American Miss?
Teri Lynlee: My favorite part about National American Miss is meeting friends from across the country. I still FaceTime one of the friends I met every week.

NAM: How did you get started with NAM? How long have you been involved?
Teri Lynlee: This September I competed in my state pageant the very first time. A fellow pageant friend recommended NAM to us and after researching the system and the ideals it stands for we felt it would be a great fit for our family.

NAM: What is your definition of a NAM girl?
Teri Lynlee: A strong, confident, compassionate servant who always reaches for their dreams.

NAM: What do you like to do for fun?
Teri Lynlee: I love to dance, sing, and draw in my free time.

NAM: What makes your state unique?
Teri Lynlee: Our state is so unique because we are home to the Grand Ole Opry, Graceland, and the Great Smoky Mountains!

NAM: What is your favorite food?
Teri Lynlee: Chocolate Chip Cookies and cheese dip are a must on my weekly menu.

NAM: What makes you laugh?
Teri Lynlee: Knock knock jokes are the key to my giggle box.

NAM: What was your first thought you had when you captured your national title?
Teri Lynlee: My first thought was How in the World do I get this crown to stay on my head and my second thought was how excited I was to get to represent this amazing organization.

NAM: People would be surprised to know what about you?
Teri Lynlee: I think people would be shocked to know that I'm super silly all the time.

Teri Lynlee Staggs - 2016-2017 National American Miss Princess!


  1. What an absolute sweet heart! We had SO much fun meeting all of the other amazing young ladies of all age divisions at both Nationals and State. Couldn't agree more that this is one of the best systems to be apart of. EVERY girl there was absolutely amazing. Congrats Teri Lynlee. Enjoyed reading your interview.


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