NAM National Deadlines 2014!

We are excited to see you and your family soon in beautiful sunny California!

*Optional Contest Registration:
FINAL – In the National Office by October 23rd. This deadline is to assure that the listing of optional contests you have signed up for is correct. These are listed next to your optional contest picture in the National Program Book. You may continue to register for optional contests until November 12th at 5:00pm CST. However, any optional contest orders received after October 23th will not be listed in the program book. If you wish to order an optional contest online, go to  do so.
*National Program Book Information:
FINAL – In the National Office by October 24th. All pictures for the Contestant Pages and the Optional Contest Pages for the National Program Book are due by this date. Remember, you can email your pictures and sponsor list If you do choose to email the photo or sponsor list, please be sure to include in the subject line, the contestants name pageant division (ex. Princess) and State. In the body of the email, please provide complete information as to what the picture and/or list of sponsors is to be used for.
* “I AM Spotlight”:
FINAL – In the National Office by October, 24th. Don’t miss out on this special COLOR section of the national program book. It counts as “1” point toward a Spirit of America Trophy. It is a 1/3 page full color piece to show how special and unique you are!
*Crown and Banner Orders:
FINAL – In the National Office by October 30th . After this date, there is no guarantee that your Banner or Embroidery Order will be accepted or will be available at the National Pageant. You may order a crown, banner or embroidery using the form from your National Guidebook, or you may order them at . We must still have the actual form for each order. So, if you do order them online, then please mail, fax, or scan/email the form to us and note on the form that you purchased the item online. Crowns will be available to order until the Nov. 12th deadline.
*Activity Tickets:
FINAL – Must be received in the National Office by November 6th. The activity tickets for Hollywood Tour andThanksgiving Banquet will close on this date. Any additional Hollywood Tour or Thanksgiving Banquet Tickets needed, will be on a first come first ordered as available at pageant check-in. Ticket purchases for Disneyland will remain open until November 12th. If you have any needs or questions regarding activity tickets, please call our office.
*National Program Book Advertising:
All national advertising for the coveted title of National Cover Miss must be in the Houston office by close of business on:
– Princess and Jr. Pre-Teen age groups: Thursday, October 30th.
– Pre-Teen age groups: Friday, October 31st.
– Jr. Teen, Teen and Miss age groups: Monday, November 3rd.
The national program books will soon be closing. Printing will be underway and soon the books will be shipped to the national pageant in sunny California! If you were thinking that you had not quite reached your goal, wanted that full-page premium prize credit, or you still want to place that memory ad and receive your trophy on stage, it is not too late! Any advertising that is received in the national office by Thursday, October 30th will be printed in the National Program Book.
After Thursday, October 30th, and until Wednesday, November 12th, all advertising received will still be accepted and processed, but may be a part of the National Supplement. The National Supplement will be printed and then distributed at pageant check-in along with the National Program books. You will still receive all Spirit of America Points, Premium Points for prizes, as well as trophies and all awards that you have earned. Maybe you can even reach your goal of National Ambassador, National Cover Girl or even National Cover Model.
If you are trying to finish up those last minute ads, simply call the national office at 281-496-5050 (extension 127 for Lauren, extension 129 for Dawn Lee)! Our helpful advertising department will take your ad and payment over the telephone. If you have any questions or need any help, we are only a phone call away!! You can also email ad questions, or ad content, directly to the advertising department at
* Reservations at the official host hotel, The Anaheim Marriott:
To reserve a sleeping room, or to check availability, at the Anaheim Marriott online, just click on the Marriott’s National American Miss group discount reservation link . The hotel inventory of sleeping rooms at the discount National American Miss group rate has sold out each year. Chances are that from time to time a given room type will sell out, however you may want to check back at a later time or day as rooms often come back into inventory from day to day. At some point the hotel will cut off the ability to book a room at the NAM discount rate. They are currently holding the rate open for as long as possible, as a courtesy to the group.
To reserve a sleeping room at the Anaheim Marriott by phone, call Marriott Passkey Reservations at 800-266-9432. Be sure to request the “National American Miss group rate,” or you will end up paying a much higher price for the same room.
700 West Convention Way, Anaheim, CA 92802 Hotel Phone: 714-750-8000.
The Anaheim Marriott’s Map and Travel Information page.
Local area attractions.
City of Anaheim – listing of attractions.
Hotel Parking: The normal self park rate for hotel guests at the hotel is $24 per day. That is because the hotel is very close to Disneyland. However, if you are staying at the Anaheim Marriott with a room in the NAM group block, your parking is discounted to just $5 per day.
For anyone who is coming to see the NAM event, but does not have a NAM discounted sleeping room, the parking is discounted from $24 down to $15 per day
Wednesday, November 12th – This is the last day you are able to place an online order or make an online payment. This includes Sponsor Fees, Disneyland Tickets, Optional contests, flowers, and more. Online payments are available, with credit card at our website,, through November 12. So if you are planning to use the NAM online services to make purchases, please do so before this date. You may call the national office and place a credit card charge over the telephone until November 14.
Friday, November 14th – This is the last day that you will be able to make any changes to your NAM account. After November 14, your accounts will be frozen to allow for NAM staff to print and ship the Check-In sheets and statements to prepare for your arrival at nationals. If you have any questions about your orders and payments, please call the national office before November 14. You may also email any account questions that you have at any time
NAM is excited to see you at nationals and we are here to make it fun and easy for you. If you have any questions or need any help, please call our office at 281-496-5050.
National American Miss
National Office
5821 W. Sam Houston Pkwy. N., Suite 100
Houston, Texas 77041
Phone: 281-496-5050
Fax: 281-496-9920


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