Meet The 2013-2014 National All -American Miss Princess Skyla Woodard!

Having a blast in Hollywood at the NAM National Pageant! 

My name is Skyla Woodard and I was just crowned National All American Princess.  I am 7 years old and I am from Wake Forest, North Carolina.  I enjoy playing piano, singing, gymnastics, and swimming.  My lifetime goal is to become the first female President.

Making friends is what NAM is all about! 

NAM: How did you get involved in National American Miss?
Skyla: I got involved with NAM after we received a letter in the mail that stated I was recommended by someone for the pageant. My mom did some research on the pageant and here we are!

NAM: How did you prepare for the National Pageant?
Skyla: I prepared for the National Pageant by practicing. I practiced my formal and casual wear modeling, piano solo, and pretty feet that I learned at the state competition.

NAM:  What is the best advice you have ever received?
Skyla: The best advice I have ever received came from my mom, “do your best, and forget the rest!”

NAM: What quote, motto, or scripture best describes you?
Skyla: The best motto that describes me is “don’t just practice until you get it right, practice until you can’t get it wrong.” 

NAM: What are your plans for the future?
Skyla: In the future I really want to go to college and become a pediatrician.  I love science as well as performing on stage.  My later aspiration is to become the first female president!

Advancing at the Spelling Bee Competition!

 NAM: What activities are you involved in?
Skyla: I am in gymnastics, musical theatre, piano, swim team, Kids Zumba, Chess, and Lego Club!

NAM:  What do you like to do for fun?
Skyla:  I love to swim in my backyard pool, play board games with my family, watch movies and read.

NAM:  What is one item you can’t live without?
Skyla: I can’t live without water…I act like I can’t live without Hershey’s chocolate chips!

NAM:  Who is your role model?
Skyla: My role model is my mom.  She’s very smart, funny, and can help me figure out anything.

NAM:   What is your favorite TV show?
Skyla: My favorite TV show is True Jackson VP.

At the NAM National Pageant! 

 NAM: What is the funniest thing that has ever happened to you?
 Skyla: The funniest thing that has ever happened to me is when my dad tickles me under my arms.

NAM: If you had three wishes what would you wish for?
Skyla: If I had three wishes they would be to go to NYC to see the Statue of Liberty, to Paris, France to see the Eifel Tower, and to get a play car large enough for me to drive!

NAM: If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?
Skyla: If I could go anywhere in the world it would be to NYC to see the Statue of liberty!

NAM:  What is your definition of a NAM girl?
Skyla: A NAM girl someone who is smart, graceful, helps her community, and goes after her dreams.

 NAM: If you were stranded on a deserted island what three things could you not live without?
 Skyla: If I was stranded on a deserted island, I could not live without water, food, and a rope to use as a lasso.

Walking the Red Carpet in Hollywood!

NAM:What is your most prized possession?
Skyla: My most prized possession is my family.

NAM: How would your friends describe you?
Skyla: My friends would describe me as smart and kind.

NAM: How are you making a difference in your community?
Skyla: I am making a difference in my community by staying involved in anti-bullying groups, supporting the US troops, and with my involvement with the Ronald McDonald House.

 NAM:  If you could go back in time and be at any historical event what would it be?
 Skyla: If I could go back in time with any historical event, it would be when George Washington became president.

NAM:If you could go back in time and meet one person, who would it be and why?
Skyla:If I could go back in time and meet one person, it would be George Washington.  He was the first president of the US and he believed in making the world a better place.  I want to become the first female President for that same reason.

Making an appearance with my sister queen! 

NAM: If you could be famous for something, what would you want to be famous for?
Skyla: I would love to be a famous gymnast!

NAM:  What is your favorite book? and why?
Skyla: My favorite book is called “Stand Tall Molly Lou Melon” because it taught me that if I believe in myself, the world will believe in me too.

NAM:  Where is your favorite place to shop?
Skyla: My favorite place to shop is Justice, Just For Girls!

NAM: Who is the most influential person in the world now?
Skyla:The most influential person in the world now is Michelle Obama.

NAM:   Who or what inspires you most?
Skyla: My mom inspires me.  She is amazing at everything.

Just being me! 

NAM: What have you learned about yourself since competing in pageants?
Skyla:I have learned that I am more nervous around a small group than on stage in front of hundreds.  Something about being on stage in front of a large group gives me more confidence.

   NAM: What advice do you have for future NAM girls?
           Skyla: My advice for future NAM girls is to always smile and do your best!

    NAM: What things do you hope to accomplish during your year of service?
Skyla: During my year of service, I plan to become more involved in my community and be a rolemodel for all young girls.  I believe a little girl can make a big difference.

NAM: What would you like to be doing 10 years from now?
            Sklya:10 years from now, I will be 17 years old.  I would like to be driving my own car!

NAM:If someone could live your life for a week, what would they find most interesting?
Skyla: If someone could live my life for a week, they would find most interesting my busy schedule.  We juggle my swimming, gymnastics, piano, musical theatre, homework, reading and study time, plus fun time.  And we do it so well!

NAM: What is the best compliment you have ever received?
Skyla: The best compliment I have ever received was from my grandma.  She always tells me, “Skyla you are so smart and talented, is there anything you can’t do?!”

The 2013-2014 National All-American Miss Princess Skyla Woodard! 

Check out Skyla's Interview right after she captured her national title! 


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