It's Been an Outstanding year for an Outstanding Rolemodel !

To everyone,
WOW! Who would have guessed one year ago that I would become the 2011 Texas Jr. Teen! Not me ... Lol! It has been such an honor to represent our great state of Texas this past year.   National American Miss has touched my life in so many ways, although winning was the highlight of my pageant weekend, I have gained so much more.  I have had a blast meeting girls across the country, and met my lifelong sisters, partners in crime, my new BFF's Angelle, Samantha, and Mary-Grace. I have also conquered my fear of public speaking, grown in leadership by working side by side with the staff and choreographers, and learned that giving back to others is the greatest joy of all.
I have been very busy this year volunteering with many charities, such as  Light The Night Walk where  I helped raise over $100,000 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society,  the Project Hero fundraiser where our community gave back to provide a home for a disabled veteran,  baked and served cupcakes to eager young faces at the Salvation Army homeless shelter and I continued sharing my heart weekly with the Shining Stars, a special needs dance team that has been dear to my heart for the last 4 years.

A couple of special thank you's: I truly thank God for blessing me with this opportunity to become a role model to girls across the nation. Steve and Kathleen Mays and Nam staff, thank you so much for this unforgettable opportunity . I have truly grown in more ways than I could have ever imagined.  To my Mom, Dad and my brother Russell, Thank you for always being there for me and for supporting me through everything I do. I dont say it enough but I really do appreciate all you sacrifice for me! I love you guys! And finally to my #1 fan, my Pops! Thank you for always believing in me. You are always there at every pageant and ready to cheer me on! You are the best grandpa any girl could ask for! I know Nana would be proud of me! I love you Pops!

 Ladies ....I would like to leave you with the top 3 things that I have learned this year that I will never forget .
1.    Keep God first . Trust him . He definitely has a unique plan for your life.
2.    Take a risk . Try something new.  Each time you put yourself out there you grow in self esteem, public speaking and poise.
3.     Enjoy being you. There's a quote that says ", Why be a copy when you can have the original ?"       
If youre at the Texas pageant, stop by and say "Hi".  I'll be the girl with banner and the crown.
Well... One of  them :)

Jer 29:11 & much love,
Sheridan Donevant

2011 National American Miss Texas Jr. Teen


  1. So much to say but we'll just sum it up with WE LOVE YOU SHERIDAN!!! You are an amazing girl through and through!! Truly Beautiful and the epitome of a Queen!! We are honored to have you and your family in our NAMILY and in our lives!! XOXO The French Girls!! <3<3<3

  2. Sher,
    I knew you would end up earning that crown one day! You are such a sweet young lady and Bailey and I are blessed to call you friend. Many congratulations on your year as queen. We love you!!!!

    Annette & Bailey Stark


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