Check out the 2012 NAM State Program Book Covers !!!!


  1. The queens look so beautiful. We love you Raven.

  2. Congrats Regan on winning for Ohio! I am so proud of you and congrats to all of the other girls who won at Nationals! Can't wait to see you at the State Pageant this year... when you will be crowning a new Pre-Teen Queen! :)

  3. Good Luck to each and every one of you.Shout out to my cousin Alijah state finalist

  4. Cover looks great!

  5. So excited to be apart of NAM this year for our first time! My 6 yr old Natasha Bright is super excited to meet and make so many new friends!!!!

  6. cover looks awesome.I love NAM!!!!!

  7. Beautiful cover girls! My girl, Valentina will be part of NAM this year. We are so exited!!

  8. My baby grace from Reno , NV is state finalists for princess division

  9. Me & my daughter just attended an open call today here in Westlake, OH and it was lots of fun!

  10. I looks very nice and enticing

  11. My daughter Nyasia Green was so excited when I broke the news to her that she got the call back this morning... and that she's going to be apart of National American Miss! Her face lit up with glee when I told her after when she got in from school it was priceless, I wish I had a camcorder words cannot fully describe how happy she was! :)

  12. hi im so excited for my daughter to be apart of the nam girls i cant wait this is going to be so fun for her she is 7 years old and is always around boys she has 2 brothers 18 yrs old and 12 yrs old with down syndrome and her god brothers are 10 4 5 and since preschool she has been in class rooms wit all boys so this is finally sumthing were i can get her to be a girly girl and do girly things so i cant wait we are in ohio

  13. Hi, my daughter Julian, and I are so excited about the Indiana pageant coming up in June. I am ready for the finale already! This has been a great experience for us as mother and daughter, but also alot of work. Let the fun begin! Lol. Congrats to all the other state winners so far and good luck to all the Indiana contestants.


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