Shivali Patel, North Carolina Jr. Teen Queen volunteers at the Methodist Home for Children.

Shivali Patel , the National American Miss North Carolina Junior Teen volunteers at the Methodist Home for Children (MHC). They were thrilled that Shivali wanted to support theirprogram in several different ways. She did her research about their needs and she made a commitment to raise money, raise awareness and contribute in-kind items to MHC. She is an awesome young lady!

Shivali’s first goal was to support MHC’s 1K for 1Kid program by raising money to support a child in care for one year. She started her project in July and hit the ground running! She not only surpassed her goal but helped raise nearly $2,000 to support two children in MHC’s care. Her commitment to get out in the community and ask for donations and gifts is amazing! Shivali has put in more than 120 hours, going door to door, business to business asking for support to reach her goal. She didn’t take no for an answer and received gifts from $1.00 to $100.00. They, MHC, were most impressed when she even got the Mayor in Raleigh, NC to support her efforts!
In addition to raising money for their ministry, she asked fellow contestants to collect stuffed animals for our underserved children at their preschool. Shivali delivered big garbage bags full of stuffed animals to the kids at the center one day. She also used extra funds raised to purchase hygiene items and school supplies for our older kids – something she felt passionate about since teens in foster care are often forgotten about.
Shivali has an incredible philanthropic spirit! Her enthusiasm for volunteering and follow through on her commitment is admirable! MHC is proud of her efforts and of the positive way she approached her service to MHC. There are few youth in the community who truly stand out like Shivali. Her determination and drive will serve her well in the future. Her outstanding volunteer service to Methodist Home for Children is greatly appreciated.


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