NAM Girls In The News...

Amanda Moreno, daughter of Al and Phyllis Moreno of Conyers, recently earned the National Title for National American Miss for the All-American Miss age division. She was chosen among hundreds of candidates from all across the United States on the basis of their academic status, poise and personality on stage, poise and personality in an interview, communication skills and community service.
Moreno, a Rockdale County High School and Rockdale Career Academy graduate, will be traveling across the country this summer representing the National American Miss Pageant Program. She will also receive an all expense paid trip to the National Pageant to be held in Anaheim California during Thanksgiving week 2012 to crown her successor. While in California, she will receive a special day in Disneyland for two and a famous tour of Hollywood.
Moreno, 19, is a first year business student at Georgia State University and hopes to eventually become a corporate executive for the Walt Disney Company. She continues to mentor for the Boys & Girls Club of Metro Atlanta and is the founder of the True Beauty Movement, a program to inspires girls to create their own definition of beauty and develop a positive self image. This program has touched over 1,300 girls nationwide through the school integration program, photo collage, and the essay contest.
The National American Miss Pageants are dedicated to celebrating America and encouraging future leaders. Each year, the pageant awards thousands in scholarships and prizes to recognize and assist the development of young women nationwide. Pageants are held for girls ages 4 to 20 in six different age divisions. For more information, go to

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  1. i saw her video once on youtube it was one of the best nam videos ever


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