Jordan Somer, The 2010 NAM Nebraska Teen was featured on Nickelodeon!

NAM's Breanne Maple Wrote:
Just got back home from the Nickelodeon Halo Awards Premiere party in NYC with the 2010 NAM Nebraska Teen, Jordan Somer, who is 1 of 4 teens being honored by Nickelodeon with the Halo Award, for her Helping And Leading Others (a.k.a - HALO).
Jordan created the Miss Amazing pageant a few years ago for her National Community Involvement project when she was the NAM Nebraska Jr. Teen. Since then the Miss Amazing Pageant has given girls with mental and physical disabilities the confidence and life skills that National American Miss has given Jordan.
Anyways, I wanted to quickly share with you a bit about the trip, information about tonight's episode, as well, as an interesting tidbid.
First, I have to say what an honor it was to be a part of this experience with and for Jordan. Each of the 4 honorees brought guests to the premiere and to NYC that supported and helped them in their cause/work. It was very humbling to be amongst these heros and leaders and to represent NAM and pageantry in such a profound way.
Second, there was a giant video screen on Times Square that showed clips of Jordan and the 4 other Halo honorees every 20 seconds, advertising for the show!!!

However, getting a 5-star treatment from Nickelodeon and spending time becoming acquainted with the 4 honorees and their guests was awesome. Each of these teens is fascinating and I was so proud that JORDAN, a NAM girl was amongst them, and that pageantry was being put in a positive light in the media. However, out of everyone that I met, Herold(the honoree from Haiti, whom you will meet during tonight's episode) and I became fast friends and I wanted to share a little story with you about Herold before you watch tonight.
Herold moved from Haiti 5 years ago – his WHOLE family is still there. He is 18, full of life, talks non-stop, bounces all over the place, and is about 7 feet tall. Easy to see why we became fast friends, huh? Being that it was the premiere party, the honorees and their guests(along with 125 other strangers, TV Execs, producers, corporate sponsors, and Nickelodeon starlets) saw the episode that will air and needless to say it was very emotional, Herold’s being the most difficult for everyone to watch.
During his segment, they show images and talk about what happened in Haiti….images we have all seen, information we already know, something I think we all sympathize, yet don't really spend time reflecting on. But, as THESE images played during his segment at the premiere, Herold closed his eyes, put down his head, placed his hands over his ears, while tears streamed down his face – unable to bare the devastation of seeing or hearing what happened to his home. For everyone at that party, in that room, (for me, personally, having gotten to know his joyful spirit), this was a definite heart-wrencher and eye-opener.
When you watch tonight, I hope that not just Herold, or Jordan – but each of these 4 amazing teens touches you, as well…and you are able to reflect on the wonderful ways that, we, at NAM are inspiring others, in our own way.
Also, YOU DO NOT WANT TO MISS the show tonight. Jordan’s segment is the first one, so its at the VERY BEGINNING and NAM is EVERYWHERE! (oh and if you look close – you might even see yours truly). Jordan depicts a TRUE NAM girl in the segment and I know you will all be so proud!
Now for my interesting tidbid! After they played the premiere and Nick Cannon did his whole presentation, the audience stood in ovation, tears in eyes, touched and inspired by these 4 teens. But before Jordan could get off the stage, a girl who was invited to the premiere as a guest because of her involvement with a philanthropic organization called Journey for Change, RAN up to Jordan and said,”OMG! I did National American Miss, too!!!!!!”
........SMALL WORLD! NAM girls really are everywhere and they really do ROCK!


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