NAM Arizona Jr Teen Kelly Seiberlich WINS state Speech Competition !!!

Kelly Seiberlich , The 2009 NAM Arizona Jr Teen, won the Arizona FFA Prepared Public Speaking competition, and will go on to represent Arizona state at the FFA National Convention in Indianapolis in October !!! She won the competition earlier at the district level, and competed with other district winners throughout Arizona for the State title. Contestants are required to write and deliver a 6-8 minute speech on a current agriculture subject or issue. They are graded on the composition and content of their manuscript, stage presence ,which Kelly gives a huge 'shout-out' to NAM for, voice and power of expression, and their ability to answer questions on the subject showing familiarity with their subject and an ability to think quickly. At the state competition, the contestants were whittled down to a final four, who re-competed at a session of the State Leadership Conference. Kelly was selected as the overall winner !!! Kelly has also won several National American Miss Awards including winning the state Spokesmodel Competition !!! Way to go Kelly !!!


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