Get to know Miss Texas Jr. Pre-Teen!


Has it really already been a year since I was crowned your NAM Texas Jr. Pre-Teen? Even crazier is that it was only my second pageant EVER! I feel so proud to have represented our great state with pride, placing in the Top 10 at the National Pageant. 

There were so many exciting moments during this past year --- from participating in parades to meeting with the Mayor, I really got a taste of what it means to be royalty. I participated in a local Chalk Walk, delivered cookies to a nearby fire department, helped out at the National Night Out Against Crime, and made a difference in my community through Harvest House, Mission Arlington, the Ronald McDonald House, and Hope Supply.  While it's fun to wear a crown, it's even more rewarding to know what you can do with that crown. I hope I shared a little of its sparkle everywhere I went.
As a local celebrity, I was featured in a newspaper and local magazine. I got to walk in New York Fashion Week and even signed with an agent while out in California for Nationals. I had my first ever audition and I can't wait to see what the future holds.
I am looking forward to meeting each of YOU this weekend. Remember: be yourself, have fun, and the rest will come naturally. We're going to have an amazing time!

Love, Addalyn Tackett Miss Texas Jr.Pre-Teen


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