Featuring Miss New York Princess!

Dear Contestants, 

         I would like to start by saying welcome and congratulations!!!
I hope you are just as excited as I was when I was getting ready to compete. I hope you put forth a lot of effort into preparing for a whole bunch of fun. I’m sure your just as nervous and excited at the same time as I was a year ago. If you are, DON’T be. Once you see how friendly and helpful others are you will shake that off and feel like you’ve been with NAM forever. I wasn’t sure of what to expect or do. But, what I learned from NAM was how to maintain confidence, no matter what. Confidence is key to your journey with National American Miss, and any journey you will take from here on out. 
      I was so honored and proud to represent my state as the reigning Miss New York Princess 2016-2017. I will never forget this experience and neither will you. I was able to encourage other to face the most challenging fears by representing who you are and where you come from. I would like to thank Mr and Mrs Mayes for putting such an amazing program together. You are helping us foresee what our future expectations are, and helping make a difference in our lives. I would also like to thank all of NAM team leaders. You played exceptional parts in guiding us through the year of exciting obstacles.
     Shortly after my reigning, I had the privilege to go to Nationals in sunny California. It was great to see all of the crowned titles come together as a namily. I was able to go with my family. We enjoyed sharing our Thanksgiving holiday with everyone. I had so much fun going to Disney with my namily. We even did the Hollywood Tour where I met some famous people I got to take pictures with my sash. I was able to enjoy pool and family time all in the same week of competitions. An experience I will never forget. 
     During the past year, I had the privilege to meet town leaders, while serving the community. Alongside my fellow NAM sisters, I volunteered at the Ronald Mc Donald House making quilted blankets, and on my own time went to bake sweet treats. I walked for cures for awareness. I volunteered at the LongIsland Coalition for the Homeless donating clothing and household items. I held a baby essential drive at my school, followed by a candle light vigil where the donations were collected and handed out to those families in need. I held a holiday food and clothing drive where all donations went to anonymous families. I also supported celebrating the 5th annual Ball Gowns and Bowling Shoes, who fundraises for New York Angels Pageant and Infinite Possibilities Empowerment that inspire and empower individuals with special needs. 
     As fun and busy as my year was, I also learned so many things along the way. I encourage you all to do your best, but most importantly have fun. Enjoy your time, make new friends, and build lasting memories. In order to conquer your fear, you have to face them. Always remember to follow your dreams and believe in your self. Good Luck!!

                                                                 Best Wishes,
                                                                          Amoni Thompson                                                                                                         

                                                                          2016-2017 Miss New York Princess


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