Meet The 09-10 National American Miss Bishara Dorre !!!

My name is Bishara A. Dorre and I am your National American Miss 2010. I am 20 years old, and I'm from Milwaukee Wisconsin. I am currently a sophomore honor student at Columbia College of Chicago Illinois. My major is Entertainment Broadcast Journalism. I hope to one day be the prime time anchor/host of Access Hollywood. I have a very strong passion for dancing. I have been dancing since the age of 6, and I am currently a Professional NBA Dancer for the Milwaukee Bucks. I dance at all home games in front of thousands of screaming basketball fans. In addition to dancing I founded my own beauty and wellness company called Bold Beauty Inc. I am also a published author of two books; my books include ā€œA Pink Bag of Dreams,ā€ as well as ā€œFamily Connection Book Club.ā€ I work part-time as a top PINK sales associate at Victoria Secret. I have put in over 1000 hours of volunteer service into my community, and received a Proclamation from the Mayor of Milwaukee honoring me for my immense community involvement and declaring July 12th ā€œBishara Dorre Dayā€ in the city. I work on my school newspaper; Iā€™m apart of the National Journalist Association, Culture Diversity Club, and have anchored news segments for my school. I stay busy with my extracurricular activities but always find time for my favorite pastime: SHOPPING!!!

Tiffany: What was your first reaction when you won your national title?
Bishara: My first reaction when I won my national title was shock, and I screamed out loud and fell to the floor. I couldnā€™t believe they called my name as the winner. It was a very surreal moment that I will never forget!

Tiffany: How did you prepare for nationals?
Bishara: To prepare for nationals I constantly practiced interviewing skills, walking in heels with poise, as well as speaking everyday aloud to different groups of people. I recited my personal introduction everyday at least 10 times. I also took time to think about what was important to me and map out my goals so that I was sure of myself no matter what questions were asked of me.

Tiffany: How did you get involved in NAM?
Bishara: I got involved with NAM way back in 2003 at the age of 14, after a brochure came to my house advertising the first Wisconsin state pageant. After I decided to compete I ended up placing 2nd Runner-Up at state, and I was officially hooked! I have came back to compete in every division since I was a Jr. Teen, because I had so much fun!

Tiffany: What activities are you involved in?
Bishara: I am a professional NBA Dancer for the Milwaukee Bucks, so I perform at all the home games. I am also an active volunteer at Salvation Army, Veteranā€™s Hospital, Kids R Just Kids Child care and many more. I am also a full time student at Columbia College Chicago with a major in Television Broadcast Journalism.

Tiffany: What is your best quality?
Bishara: I would say my best quality is my sense of humor. I love to be really silly sometimes, and I can always see the positive side of every situation

Tiffany: How would your friends describe you?
Bishara: My friends would describe me as very motivated, determined, outgoing, goofy, loyal, and hardworking.

Tiffany:Where is your favorite place to shop?
Bishara: My FAVORITE place to shop is Forever 21!! They always have something for everybody and for every occasion.

Tiffany: Finish this sentence: People would be surprised to knowā€¦
Bishara: ā€¦how insanely disorganized I am.

Tiffany: What is your favorite childhood memory?
Bishara: My favorite childhood memory is going to Disney World in Orlando Florida with my ENITIRE family including all my aunts, uncles and cousins. It was my first time to Disney World, and it was the first vacation where my entire family went together.

Tiffany: What is your most embarrassing moment?
Bishara: My most embarrassing moment would definitely have to be walking right into a glass door that appeared to be clear. Watch out for those clean windows.

Tiffany: If you had 3 wishes what would you wish for?
Bishara: I would wish for a pink Volkswagen Beetle, a trip to Paris, and to have a guaranteed anchoring position on Access Hollywood.

Tiffany: If you could trade places with anyone for a day who would it be?
Bishara: If I could trade places with anyone for a day it would be Tyra Banks. I would love to live life in her shoes one day as a famous model, talk show host, and realty show host.

Tiffany: If I gave you 1 million dollars what is the first thing you would buy?
Bishara: The first thing I would do is pay off all my parking tickets, then pay off my tuition for school.

Tiffany: What is your favorite quote?
Bishara: ā€œBe the change you would like to see in the world.ā€ ā€“Gandhi

Tiffany: What is your most prized possession?
Bishara: My most prized possession is my very first bible that my grandma gave me before she died.

Tiffany: If you could star in any T.V. Show what would it be?
Bishara: If I could star in any T.V. Show it would be ā€œDeal or no Deal,ā€ I feel like I always know which one is the million-dollar briefcase.

Tiffany: What do you hope to accomplish with your title as National American Miss?
Bishara: As the National American Miss I hope to travel to as many state pageants as possible this year and speak out to as many young teens about volunteering as well as continuing to be a strong advocate for literacy in my community. I would like to even start my own magazine focusing on girls building strong self-esteem, and confronting the biggest issues facing teens today.

Tiffany: What do you think is the biggest misconception about your generation?
Bishara: I think the biggest misconception about my generation is our lack of strong work ethic due to all of todayā€™s technology.

Tiffany: If you could witness any historical event, which would you, choose?
Bishara: If I could witness any historical event I would choose the civil rights movement.

Tiffany: If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life what would it be?
Bishara: If I could only eat one food for the rest of my life it would be lasagna.

Tiffany: What makes you unique?
Bishara: My name means congratulations in Swahili, and Iā€™m 50% Somalian.

Tiffany: What advice do you have for any girls thinking about entering NAM?
Bishara: My advice to any girls thinking about entering into NAM is DO IT because the experience will change your life and you will never regret it. The skills you will gain from competing in NAM will stay with you for the rest of your life and help you in many day-to-day life situations.


  1. Wow I am surprised such a talented beautiful woman is not portrayed more often in the media these days. You are amazing! Sky is the limit.


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